Q: How long does certificate issuance generally take?
TruStage will typically issue the certificate(s), on average, two days after receiving the completed enrollment form (including appropriate payment for the first premium). Another day is normally required to print certificates and mail them.

Q: What are customer service hours of operation?
The TruStage customer service line is open from 8:30 a.m. EST until 6:30 p.m. EST.

Q: What determines the effective date of a certificate?
The certificate typically takes effect on the date the enrollment form is signed. However, if payment is by cheque and the administrative office receives the enrollment form more than 30 days later than the date it was signed, the effective date of the certificate is the date it was issued by the administrative office. If it’s a Time Pay plan and payment is by credit card, if the administrative office receives the enrollment form more than seven days later than the date it was signed, the effective date is the date the certificate was issued.

Q: What if a family changes their mind after the TruStage certificate has already been issued?
With TruStage, a family has 30 days to review their certificate and will receive a full refund of premiums paid if they decide within that time frame that they do not wish to continue with us.

Q: What is the procedure for reassigning a certificate to another funeral establishment?
If a family relocates and wishes to reassign their certificate to another funeral establishment, they should notify the funeral home they would like to use. The funeral home can then complete an assignment form, which should be sent to TruStage Life of Canada.

Q: The customer sent their enrollment form and void cheque by fax and selected payment by PAC. When will the bank drafts occur?
The initial payment is drafted on the day the administrative office enters and validates the enrollment in its system. The next monthly premium will be drafted on the date chosen by the applicant, but never within 25 days of the initial draft. For example: A certificate is received and processed, and the bank account is drafted on March 15. The chosen date for drafting is April 1. The second draft will not occur on April 1 because this is less than 25 days after the initial draft on March 15. We’ll draft the next payment on May 1. If no date is chosen on the enrollment form, the second draft will occur a month after the initial draft (for a monthly payment plan).

Q: What if a family has cancelled their certificate and now wishes to reinstate it?
A family/certificate owner may reinstate their certificate within 60 days of a cancellation/surrender. In order to reinstate, TruStage requires payment of all missed premiums.

Q: What if a family is unable to continue paying for their certificate?
The coverage automatically terminates unless the certificate has a cash value. In such case, the certificate coverage is automatically reduced to a lower amount and no further premiums are due. In lieu of this “reduced paid-up” coverage amount, the family may cancel their certificate and receive the surrender value. Should this occur, we would notify the funeral establishment of the family’s intention in order to allow the funeral establishment the opportunity to discuss the decision with them.

Q: What happens when a cheque is returned with the message “insufficient funds”?
If a family has an NSF cheque, TruStage will send a deposit notice stating that the payment is overdue and ask that they send the overdue amount. If a family is on pre-authorized payment, TruStage will attempt to withdraw the money within the next few days. If, at that time, we’re still unable to acquire the deposit amount, the family will receive an overdue notice that the certificate will be either cancelled or reduced. Note: Banks may levy their own charges for NSF cheques or pre-authorized drafts.

Q: What if the applicant is unable to sign?
An applicant signature is required for Standard and Preferred Issue Plans. If the applicant is unable to sign, a certificate owner can sign on their behalf and the plan will be either a Guaranteed Issue Plan or an Installment Plan.

Q: If other expenses are included, who are the proceeds payable to at the time of the applicant's passing?
Other expenses are paid to the named beneficiary at the time of passing and the beneficiary is required to sign the claim form. The beneficiary does have the option to assign the other expenses proceeds to the servicing funeral home at the time of the claim.

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TruStage Life of Canada PO Box 79010 Concord PO Concord, ON L4K 4S8 | 1-888-977-3752 | TruStage.ca